Freedom movement wobbles

It’s notable that after the Wellington anti-mandate protest and the mandates been dropped, that the freedom movement started disintegrating and fighting amongst themselves.

Some of them accused others of been ‘controlled opposition’ or similar.

Some of the more militant ones thought everyone else was not as dedicated as they were.

Personally I think a lot this has occurred because we were all very different people with different idea’s fighting a common cause, but now that the pressure is off, we have started to become critical of each other.

In general, the freedom crowd are made up of alternative health followers, the deeply religious , the naturally sceptical, etc.

The extrordinary thing about them is that they were right about covid, when every one else either ‘just went along with it’ or believed everything the TV told them without question.

A meme from 2020

The article below is shared from NZDSOS and shows the paranoia that affects some people.

I think tolerance is whats missing here, and acceptance of the fact that we all had different ways of resisting the covid hysteria. No one method was nessessarily better than another.

It’s counterproductive to get in each others way, because we all want the same outcome, don’t we?

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