A quiet anxiety pandemic

The teenage years are a turbolent yet vunerable time for kids as they mature into adults and decide what they want to do in their lives.
In happier times it, they had a bright future ahead, the world was their oyster and so it should be.

The covid years put a stop to that.

The future was bleak if you chose to be unvaccinated.
Kids were kicked out of university, sports, etc, and getting any job just got harder. Discrimination against the unvaccinated became the ‘in’ thing.

Life cant have been much better for the vaccinated. Believing all that hysteria or just going along with it, cant have been good for the soul.

In the aftermath of the covid scamdemic, many kids are left with anxiety issues, rather than focusing on their future or even just having fun.

It’s like they have been robbed of a bright future.

There is no acknowledgement here in NZ of any official wrongdoing with regards to covid, therefore no acknowledgement of any mental health issues caused by the lockdowns and mandates, masks, etc.

I do know however, that lots of kids now have health issues that aren’t physical in nature.
I personally know of children who went thru depression, because they feared the lockdowns might come back.

Psychologist’s are in high demand these days, and general doctors simply just prescribe ‘anti-depressants’ pills to fix any problems.

It’s just tragic what what we have done to our kids and their future.

What ever happened to ‘The kids come first’ philosophy.
I find it bizarre that parents put their kids second, because of fear. it’s just anti nature to do so.

One thought on “A quiet anxiety pandemic

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  1. The Covid health “experts” created a lot of mandates, where recommendations would have sufficed. I think the mandates cost them a lot of their credibility. As children become adults, hopefully they’ll remember, and not be as easily duped by the “experts” as their parents were.

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