Finding that perfect house -part four

Our first night in our new house was eerily quiet and dark.
It’s located out in the country and there’s only the sound of birds at dawn and dusk.

At night, we can hear a morepork (owl).
If it’s a moonless night, it’s DARK.

In contrast, our old house was on a busy road in a city.

Our new house was owned by an older guy in poor health, which meant maintenance around the house was understandably neglected.
The roof needed cleaning, the gutters fixed up, light bulbs needed changing, etc
None of this was any big deal.

The section however, is overgrown with agapanthers and some very large privet tree’s.

Those  agapanthus are a LOT of work to remove.
Basically, you have to dig them out, leaving none of the rizhomes (big root thingy’s) behind, otherwise they grow back..   

If you are lucky, you can get a rope around them and pull them out with a car, which only works with the smaller ones.

4 thoughts on “Finding that perfect house -part four

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  1. The privet tree’s can cause hayfever for some, but are good for wind breaks and shade.
    Agapanthus’es are originally a South African plant it seems, and once established, grow and self seed prolifically -be careful what you ask for…


  2. Years ago we moved into a parsonage (a house owned by a church for the pastor to live in) that needed a GREAT deal of work. Friends who helped us move in said, “Pace yourselves, and take satisfaction in the small steps.” Turned out to be wise advice that still comes to mind–and not just for moves into fixer-uppers. May you enjoy celebrating each step toward the dream house you envision!

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