Career Advancement NZ style?

First a bit of background.

I’m a bit over qualified for the job I do, but I prefer what I’m doing because I see tangible results at the end of the day, which makes for a meaningful satisfying day.

Those extra qualifications I have however, make me eligible for some sort of middle management position, and those corporate types always seem to have plans that I’m not aware of.

I normally mention those extra qualifications at job interviews and tell them I’m happy with the job I’m applying for, because, well, I’m been honest,  (and thats a good thing, right?)

After all, I’m applying for the job, because thats what I want to do. (it really is that simple)

The problem I get is, most employers dont listen to what I’ve said to them at the interview, and start sussing me out, then ‘nudging’ me towards whatever position they have deemed me ideal for.

There is never a formal (or any actually) discussion about this with me, it’s just a breadcrumb trail that leads somewhere.

You might ask at this point, What the hell am I doing!, It’s a promotion!, are you insane?


Middle management in NZ is typically on a salary, it’s politically insecure, and in a recession, they get cleaned out first.

Or to summarise

-less pay with no overtime, less job security, and you are now a small fish in a big pond (with sharks).

In NZ at least, middle management positions are generally held by idealistic degree qualified people, who know much in academia, but not necessarily a  lot else.

The video below explains how that dilemma can work out.

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