Finding that perfect house -Part Three

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It’s been a long journey looking our next house, far longer than we expected.

After two years and visiting over fifty open homes, it was becoming a bit of a grind.

We carefully considered everything before we put any offer in, while other buyers seem to walk around with that starry eyed look, which can be a very expensive experience.

Then we found a house that was close to what we were after. With a lot of work, we could create that perfect house we were looking for.

We put an offer in, bearing in mind what we needed to spend on it, not expecting it to be accepted..

But then our offer was accepted !

That set up a bit of a conundrum because we weren’t expecting that to happen.

It meant we were now committed to packing up, moving, and unpacking, in a months time.

I won’t go into all the details, but you can probably imagine how busy we have been.

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