Some Motorcycle maintenance

The clutch on the Honda XR125 has been a bit hard to use lately, so I had a look at the clutch cable and found…

Some broken strands in the cable. these will slowly unwind themselves, and make it harder to use the clutch.

Plan A
no problem I thought, just buy another cable off Trade me (similar to Ebay), fit the new one and all good.

Except that the new one has a longer inner cable and I can’t get it to work..

Plan B
Buy an original cable through a Honda dealer. I contacted a dealer down country, and the new one arrived on my doorstep 2 days later.

To change the cable is a fairly simple task.
loosen off the adjusters at each end, so the cable is real loose,
Pull the cable out of the clutch lever, then pull it right out of the bike, taking note of where it ran through the frame, etc.

it’s sometimes worth looking at the manual to see how the cable was run originally.

The old one was installed incorrectly, and used to catch on the steering lock.

It should be adjusted as below according to the manual

It’s normal for the cable to stretch a bit in the first few weeks, but it’s only a five minute job to readjust it.

happy riding!

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