The Ants versus the Elephant. A battle of idealogy in NZ

I’ve had a busy week. I’m still working full time, juggling family needs, and organising flyers about masks to be delivered all over town.

The flyers are been delivered by an army of volunteers. I have spent some time talking to all of them individually and there are some sad stories out there. A lot of them aren’t on speaking terms with their families anymore.

Most of them are in the process of losing their job because they refuse to get vaccinated.

A lot of us are looking to home school our kids, because we can see the writing on the wall, and we think unvaccinated kids will be treated as second class citizens at public schools next year.

On Saturday we took part in another protest, the numbers were bigger than last week and I suspect it will keep growing as more people get put out of work over compulsory vaccinations.

It sort of had a carnival feel to it with people and families and entertainers in the crowd. My favourite was the Hari krishna’s who provided the groovy background music!

3 thoughts on “The Ants versus the Elephant. A battle of idealogy in NZ

  1. I’ve enjoyed your posts and look forward to reading more when time permits. I appreciate you sharing and offering some insight to the struggles that other nations, culture, etc are facing because the media only exposes what they choose too. Thanks again my friend!

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